This tutorial assumes some familiarity with Linux commands, a working Jenkins installation, and a Ubuntu 14.04 installation. This post will detail how to wrap your site with SSL using the Nginx web server as a reverse proxy for your Jenkins instance.Improperly configured SSL certificate may cause login issues. Have you recently activated SSL certificate on your site and are unable to login to WordPress? In such a case, ensure that you’ve correctly configured SSL certificate and settings related to it. If this is not done, the new or changed hosts will not have access to or through the FortiGate unit depending on the settings configured. Note: If IP/MAC binding is enabled, and the IP address of a host with an IP or MAC address in the IP/MAC table is changed, or a new computer is added to the network, it is necessary to update the IP/MAC table.I have p圜harm and installing packages fail there as well for the same issue. No matching distribution found for ssl I have found the trusted-host settings but this affects everything that I do in python.